Register now for the Juice Environmental Summit!

The deterioration of the planet’s environment is alarming. The juice sector heavily relies on well-functioning eco-system services and has a direct interest to address the various environmental risks, such as climate change, water stress, soil degradation and (packaging) waste management. At the same time, we contribute to many of the currently faced negative impacts. Key stakeholders, including consumers, retailers, financiers and governments are requiring us to better understand, measure, reduce and communicate about our environmental footprint.
Many companies are already taking steps, but it’s not easy to act in an impactful, credible, and affordable way. How to ensure that our efforts actually result in the required positive change? And how to align these efforts to the developing legislation and reporting requirements? The organizers of this event are convinced of the necessity of taking joint action in the juice sector.
AIJN, IDH, SJC, SJP, and IFU are jointly organising this environmental summit as a starting point: we want to stick our heads together with you, to determine interest in collaboration, shared key needs, priority topics and concrete next steps. Of course we will not start from a blank page, we will use your input from the survey to determine which topics will be discussed during this meeting. Please fill out the survey as part of your registration, it only takes 30 seconds!
Interested? If you wish to participate, make sure you register here before 15 March 2022.
See you there!