
EJCS – Union of European Juice Control Systems

The juice industry recognised the need for industrial self-monitoring and established the Sistema Español de Autocontrol de Zumos y Néctares (SEAZN) in Spain, the British Soft Drink Association Quality Control Scheme in the United Kingdom, l'Institut Professionnel pour la Qualité des Jus de fruits (QUALIJUS) in France and SGF/IQCS, SGF International e. V.’s bottler control scheme in Austria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, and Portugal.

In order to harmonise already developed systems and to make industrial control even more effective and efficient the EU fruit juice industry through its representative association the AIJN founded the European Quality Control System (EQCS) in 1994. EQCS was the umbrella organisation for European market and bottler inspections until November 2018.

Sustainable Juice Platform

The Sustainable Juice Platform is a vision-driven initiative that offers a collaborative space for continuous improvement, ensuring the engagement and participation of all stakeholders across the sector and value chain. It enables stakeholders to work together to address common socio-economic and environmental impacts, risks and opportunities (IROs). The Platform’s overarching goal is to support, guide, and inspire juice stakeholders to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles across the supply chain.

Close the Glass Loop Platform

Close the Glass Loop is an industry platform to unite the glass collection and recycling value chain, and to establish a material stewardship programme that will result in more bottle-to-bottle recycling. We aim to increase the quantity and quality of available recycled glass – so that people don’t just recycle, but recycle more and better. 

Fruit Juice Science Centre

Welcome to the Fruit Juice Science Centre. We provide evidence-based information to consumers, journalists and healthcare professionals on the role of 100% fruit juice in diets and health.