Wishing you a fruitful start to 2023!
On 1 January, we welcomed the start of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union #EU2023SE. We wish Sweden a successful presidency and look forward to cooperating on key legislative dossiers for the EU fruit juice sector throughout the next 6 months. More on the Presidency’s priorities can be found here.
The European Year of Skills has begun! During the 2022 State of The Union address #SOTEU, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, proposed to make 2023 the #EUYearofSkills. The speech delivered before the Members of the European Parliament highlighted the shortage of skills in Europe, which must finally be overcome with a major effort to be implemented immediately. More info here.
We kicked off #Veganuary to encourage consumers, businesses and policymakers to promote plant-based diets as a way of protecting the environment and improving the health of European citizens. Fruit & vegetable consumption remains well below European and global health recommendations, so remember: drinking a daily glass of fruit juice is a good way to increase your intake!
Stay tuned for more.